Friday, October 28, 2011

Susan Bordo: Beauty (Re)discovers the Male Body (Option 2)

In an article entitled Feminine Face is Key To A Women's Heart research had been taken place to prove that women would prefer a man with more feminine features rather than the common masculine features that are often displayed. This research concluded that women prefer these kind of men because they have more potential of becoming better mates and father's. This article can strongly support the point made in Bordo's article about the attractive femininity in the Calvin Klein model. This article could have been used as researched evidence and/or proof that not just Bordo but other women tend to find that guy's with feminine features are a lot more attractive. Both Bordo and the women involved in the research expressed how the masculinity and the aggressiveness in men is less attractive and can result in a man not being considered for marriage or as a mate. The principle psychologist in the research stated that according to women "Strongly masculine features are considered threatening and less attractive" and what attracted Susan Bordo to the model's appearance wasn't only that he was half naked but it was also how he didn't come off as challenging and rough. He was soft and subtle which is how most women are commonly portrayed.

Rogers, Lois. “Feminine Face Is Key To A Woman’s Heart”. The Sunday Times.
        Times Newspapers Ltd. 8 December 2002. Web. 28 October 2011