Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Blog 3: "The Achievement of Desire"

Growing up as a Miami native I witnessed first hand the new immigrant student in class or at school. But, unlike the place where Rodriguez grew up Miami is like a melting pot so those immigrants were always welcomed with open arms. But, just like Rodriquez I too grew up in a single parent environment. For most people who have never experienced what that feels like it turns you into that "Scholarship Boy" Rodriguez mentioned. It makes you eager to want to attend school and exceed further more than other's expectations. Sometimes this can cause you to have a growing wedge between your families especially if you're being raised in a low income household. Rodriguez explains how his education caused him to become disconnected with his parents. Sometimes parents of low income communities and minority classifications do not picture their children being successful but that doesn't mean that they do not want them to be. It's hard for them to imagine such success when they've never even experienced it. In the Hispanic households especially, I''ll witness some of my Hispanic friends reading to their parents or helping them with certain things. I can only imagine how powerless those parents feel. Gaining at job from the family's business through inheritance isn't as legitimate as it once was things have changed. Before, college was a place where the "rich" would only go because it was affordable to them but now there's tons of doors and opportunities that has opened up for the "scholarship boy" all over the country.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your observations about hispanic families in Miami. I wonder if this essay would resonate with those kids reading to their parents?
