Sunday, September 11, 2011

Research exploration Blog 1: Idea Development and Free Writing

I've been brainstorming on several topics that interest me this weekend. Being a being a business major the type of arguments that I'm able to create and the extensive amount of things I can discuss seemed to be very usual. For the past couple of years through government, politics, and economics there's been numerous arguments about big business, small business, corporations etc. After a while, all of those discussions and arguments become repetitive and boring. So, because my interest is more into the fashion retail management aspect of business I was able to come up with much more interesting topics, I think.
  • How has the controversy between male and female designers effect innovative fashion?
  • How has the preference for male designers diminish the success of female designers?
  • How did fashion become more about sexual preference rather than true art?
  • What are the effects that homosexuality has on Fashion?
I also found a very interesting article that was written 5 years ago but it discusses this issue and links it to homosexuality.


  1. YES YES YES. This is the kind of specific, interesting research questions that will make for a good paper. "fashion design" is a large area, but your questions about gender have already narrowed the topic. You may be able to find an even clearly thesis, but these are great research questions.

  2. Okay thanks! At first I was a little skeptical. But this is a very interesting topic that is very overlooked.
