Friday, September 30, 2011

Research Prospectus

So, I've decided to focus my research on an issue dealing with fashion design. Commonly, anything involving fashion is hardly ever discussed simply because it is considered an area of minor importance. My topic of choice is How did the male dominance of fashion designers cause fashion to inherit the behavior of sexual preference rather than true art? This is a very controversial issue in the world of fashion. A lot of women designers are becoming more and more offended by the new preference for male designers. Fashion has evolved drastically and in this new era of fashion it seems as if the male designers will be the first to get a job causing the women to question whether or their work is good enough or their gender is just no longer acceptable. 
Thesis: For years people viewed Fashion as one of the many things women retained. But, as time progressed an abundance of Male designers have emerged causing fashion to be more about sexuality.
In order to support my thesis I will discuss:

  •  How fashion design began in order to give the readers an understanding of how it's history connects with the present. 
  • The new lines and labels with male faces and ownership on them.
  • What's causing women designers to feel like their being left out.
  • Whether or  not homosexuality is playing a major role behind this change.
As far as research goes I will be using factual data, examples, and stats in order to support my thesis.

This is a issue that has a lot to do with homosexuality and for some reason homosexuality is an issue that our society tries to avoid by throwing it under the bus. This is also a topic that doesn't generate much focus because we always undermine the things that aren't discussed by the politicians and the government. Those specific topics that's been discussed and proven right or wrong repeatedly is starting to get old. Big or small, there's more issues that deserves attention and argumentation other than the ones we've heard and seen for years. 

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Try and find some more scholarly sources and this will be a really interesting paper.
